Hi there! In Arkansas we are working towards creating a state forensic nursing association. We were initially pursuing an IAFN state chapter and voted in a board of directors, but for various reasons we decided to go our own way. Now, we are trying to figure out what the best next steps are.
Our goals are to be an inclusive group that does not require payment or dues, but takes them on a voluntary basis in order to be as accessible as possible. We want to support forensic nurses in the state by providing education opportunities, peer support, assist with state standardization of practices, and perhaps develop state certifications. Has anyone done anything like this who would be willing to chat?
Curious what the best way to establish ourselves legally might be? 501c3, 501c6, LLC, something else?
Appreciate any and all comments/advice/support (:
Thanks! Will be in NO so look forward to discussing! We do not have multiple coordinators in the state, unfortunately, and that is part of the need. I am a regional coordinator, but the only one in the state. This organization is meant to help provide state wide coordination/standardization due to the lack of full time forensic nurses state-wide. We do have access to some funds through UAMS to get started. We really want to be accessible and do not want anyone to be required to pay $100 or more to be a part of an association such as ANA to be included. Will update with any progress (:
If you are atttending the NO conference that will be a good topic for discussionwith the leaders and attendees.
Hi Kacie,
Wow, this sounds like an intense project but could be a model for forensic nurses. I think Jane has given you a good lead on a Coordinators Association in NJ. You might also think about the utility of starting smaller and reaching out to the Arkansas Nurses Association to see if they have a SIG or task force in place that might meet your needs or if they have a business plan to share that might address specialty association development. Since the development of a specialty certification is also a big lift, you might consider connecting with a local or state university or college of nursing to see if they have an interest in 'hosting' a forensic nursing SIG, chapter, or association development. Having nursing support and education & business expertise is needed for state certification development. Good luck & please share what you find!
In NJ we have a Forensic Nurse Coordinator's Association (FNCA) 501c3 I believe. it is comprised of each of our county coordinator's (21), each of us run a countywide FNE/SART program and are employed by the county prosecutor's office who pay our dues to be members of the association. We have a board of directors, bylaws, etc. and must pay dues to be a voting member.