Rachel Thomas

Rachel McMahan Thomas is a nationally board-certified Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in Family Practice and a Hospice Registered Nurse with over two decades experience caring for children and families with specialization in care of adult survivors of sexual abuse, physical assault, intimate partner violence, and other maltreatments. She served as a member of a multidisciplinary child protection team in northeast Florida from 2008-2022. She also has had a long career with the Florida Department of Health as a Children’s Medical Services healthcare provider since 2002. She held previous teaching positions at the University of Massachusetts Boston School of Nursing, Jacksonville University School of Nursing, and the University of Florida College of Medicine, and she currently enjoys teaching in the Brooks College of Health School of Nursing at University of North Florida and working for a community hospice and palliative care program. Her research agenda is focused on health disparities, health equity, child abuse prevention, end-of-life care, and promoting psychological wellbeing of professionals in high-stress environments.