Texas A&M University offers several virtual, hybrid, and in-person education courses.
Upcoming courses include:
Adult sexual assault simulation in-person, November 14-16, 2022 Bryan, TX
Medical forensic photography bootcamp in-person, December 1-2, Bryan, TX
On-demand virtual webinar - Forensic nurses and child life specialist: Building blocks for pediatric care.
On-demand virtual course - Human trafficking: Medical response. This virtual course covers the basics of the medical response to human trafficking and meets the requirements and is approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission in accordance with House Bill 2059, 86th Session, 2019. This course is for all learners.
On-demand virtual course - SANE-A(R) certification prep course
See website for details: https://na.eventscloud.com/website/9483/events/
Or contact Laurie Charles @ charles1@tamu.edu