Thanks for the info. Will reach out to them for information..
Apr 26, 2022
Had a chance to participate in the AFN hosted webinar on Male SANEs. Was a great time and a great way to network. Andrew raised a great question as to how we would go about identifying all of the male SANEs in the country. Do we know how many male SANEs are practicing internationally? May be something for future research. Second part of the question is, "Does the sex/gender matter to our clients?" Rod
Apr 28, 2022
Replying to
We have an International group. You can askthem about the male forensic nurses practicing.
Nov 07, 2021
Thanks for the lead with Andrew Mahoney....I will be following up with him. Curious as to why people come into the field...
Nov 07, 2021
Many thanks for the encouraging words. Been at it for 3-4 years and look forward to continuing the work.
Barbra Bachmeier
Nov 05, 2021
The profession can be very transient. I had a nurse (non-SANE_ contact me as they want to revitalize their SANE program and all the SANEs they had trained 3 years ago have left or retired. The longevity of SANEs on call is very short for the most part.
Please do continue to do the work and if folks tell you not to because you are male is not a show stopper. Patients will appreciate the care. Very rare do we have a patient request a female examiner, even if it is for a non-MFE case.
Nov 03, 2021
No, I do not htink that has ever been looked at. But gereat info. A god person to ask is Andrew Mahoney. He is in NO and workds at a famiy justice center. He is also an AFN meember that you can loook up.
Thanks for the info. Will reach out to them for information..
Had a chance to participate in the AFN hosted webinar on Male SANEs. Was a great time and a great way to network. Andrew raised a great question as to how we would go about identifying all of the male SANEs in the country. Do we know how many male SANEs are practicing internationally? May be something for future research. Second part of the question is, "Does the sex/gender matter to our clients?" Rod
Thanks for the lead with Andrew Mahoney....I will be following up with him. Curious as to why people come into the field...
Many thanks for the encouraging words. Been at it for 3-4 years and look forward to continuing the work.
The profession can be very transient. I had a nurse (non-SANE_ contact me as they want to revitalize their SANE program and all the SANEs they had trained 3 years ago have left or retired. The longevity of SANEs on call is very short for the most part.
Please do continue to do the work and if folks tell you not to because you are male is not a show stopper. Patients will appreciate the care. Very rare do we have a patient request a female examiner, even if it is for a non-MFE case.
No, I do not htink that has ever been looked at. But gereat info. A god person to ask is Andrew Mahoney. He is in NO and workds at a famiy justice center. He is also an AFN meember that you can loook up.