Stacey Mitchell

Founding Board Member
Stacey Mitchell, a member of Sigma Theta Tau, International, holds a Doctorate in Forensic Nursing from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Her Master’s Degree in Nursing has a focus in trauma and forensic nursing from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Mitchell’s bachelor’s degree is in Nursing from the Medical College of Virginia. Her nursing career spans more than 25 years with experience in critical care, emergency nursing, forensic nursing, and risk management.
Mitchell began her forensic nursing career as the coordinator of the Forensic Nurse Examiners of St. Mary’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. She has served as a Director at Large for two terms, Treasurer, President-Elect and President on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN).
Mitchell held the position of Deputy Chief Forensic Nurse Investigator at the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office in Houston, Texas, for six years. From 2008 to 2017, she was the Administrative Director of Forensic Nursing Services and Risk Management and Patient Safety for the Harris Health System. Currently, she is a Clinical Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of the Forensic Health Care Program at Texas A&M University College of Nursing.
In October 2017, Mitchell was inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. In 2015, she was honored as one of the Top 20 Outstanding Nurses by the Texas Nurses Association District 9. She also received the Virginia Lynch Pioneer in Forensic Nursing award that year. Mitchell is a frequent invited speaker at both domestic and international nursing conferences and training seminars, and she is regularly called upon to provide expert testimony regarding forensic nursing, sexual assault, child abuse, child sexual abuse, and trauma.