I'm Sandra Nichols, NP, and I'm the chair of the Behavioral Health/Suicide Prevention SIG for AFN. I would love to have regular meetings, there are so many sub-topics that we can and should address in this SIG, it's so diverse. I have been an emergency nurse and emergency nurse practitioner and also a psychiatric mental-health nurse practitioner, and I'm sure that we are all aware that many of our forensic cases pass through an emergency department, and many also have diagnosed or undiagnosed psychiatric/psychological issues.
I'm very interested in learning from each other and to get CEU and webinars in this area out for our members, as well as to build a community for supporting each other in our practice.
Please comment below if you are interested in joining the SIG, if you are interested in any topic of CEU or collaborating on a CEU, or anything else. I look forward to working with you all!