Tell Congress to vote YES for H.R. 1195 this week to help #EndNurseAbuse!
1 in 4 nurses has been assaulted at work. That's not ok. Overall, the likelihood of healthcare workers being exposed to violence is higher than prison guards or police officers. And care settings have become even more risky and intense during the COVID-19 pandemic. For years, ANA has been leading the charge to end nurse abuse, through its #EndNurseAbuse campaign, raising awareness about this issue and pushing for administrative and legislative solutions. Our hard work has paid off – workplace violence legislation has quickly received bipartisan support and is coming up for a vote on the House floor this week! H.R. 1195 would require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to have and enforce specific standards for health care and social service employers. Now, it needs your support to help it pass the House and set it up for success in the Senate. Ask your lawmaker to vote YES for H.R. 1195 and help end nurse abuse now! We know that personalized letters have an even greater impact – if workplace violence has affected you or your colleagues, or you know a nurse who has been impacted please consider sharing your story in the note to Congress. When you submit, you grant us the right to use, reproduce, and publish your story as we deem appropriate (no personally identifiable information will be included without your permission). By submitting your story to us, you warrant that it does not infringe on anyone's copyright or other rights.