I am a child abuse physician from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and am working with a national group of professionals to design a short screening tool to identify young children (<11 years) at risk for, or who have experienced sex or labor trafficking. To this end, we are conducting a research study of child-serving professionals who may have worked with young victims of exploitation. The purpose of the study is identify common characteristics of these cases to inform development of a screening tool. The title of the study is, “Experiences of Child-Serving Professionals with Young Children Who are Involved in Trafficking/Exploitation.”
Participation in the study involves completing an anonymous survey (see link below), which will take ~10-15 minutes and is completely voluntary. The survey does not ask for personal or sensitive information but simply asks questions about your professional role and your recollection of a case you handled that involved trafficking of a child younger than 11 years (that is, the exploitation began prior to age 11). This is a multi-site study of child-serving professionals across the U.S. and as such, principal investigators at each site may view anonymous aggregate data from the survey. There will be no identifiable information from you. There are minimal anticipated risks to participating in the study as it is voluntary and anonymous. However, the focus of the survey on victimized children may be distressing to some, and a crisis hotline is available (NIMH Crisis Text LineText “HELLO” to 741741). Potential benefits to participation in the study include contributing to the development of a new screening tool. By clicking on the link below (to the survey), you are consenting to participate in this study.
Contact Information
If you have questions about this study, your part in it, your rights as a research participant, or if you have questions, concerns or complaints about the research please contact:
Jordan Greenbaum, MD, principal investigator, 404-785-3829, Jordan.greenbaum@choa.org
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Institutional Review Board: 404-785-7477 or by email at irb@choa.org
By clicking on the link below, you consent to participate in this study.
Thank you very much for considering this request to participate.
Jordan Greenbaum, MD
Institute for Healthcare and Human Trafficking, at the SVB Center for Safe and Healthy Children Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta