Hannah Fraley

Dr. Hannah Fraley is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing, at University of Nevada Las Vegas. Fraley received her PhD in Population Health and Health Policy from UMass Boston and MSN from Cal State University Fullerton and is nationally board certified in public health. Fraley’s research program centers on health disparities research, health equity, and health policy–with particular focus on youth violence prevention and risk reduction–and is an expert in youth trafficking prevention. Fraley’s research program also focuses on disparate experiences of youth and adults with disabilities and the associated risk and protective factors of school, community, and family influences along with social institutions that may perpetuate risk and all forms of violence. Fraley is a mixed-methods researcher and uses community-based participatory research approaches with school faculty and survivors of trafficking nationally to illuminate violence and trafficking of youth in U.S. schools. Her program of research has received internal and external funding and aims to build sustainable prevention programs through development of the frontline role of school faculty, particularly school nurses. Additionally, Fraley has served as an expert Scientific Reviewer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and serves as a National Leader in the Coalition to Prevent Childhood Sexual Abuse and Exploitation. She also serves on the American Public Health Association School Health Education and Services committee, and the APHA Public Health Nurses sub-committees.