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Learn More About the Interprofessional Collaboration Committee

This month, the Interprofessional Collaboration Committee (IPC) of the Academy of Forensic Nursing released a final draft for member review of a position statement on non-fatal strangulation. To provide some context, IPC Chair Valerie Sievers provided some background on the committee, its goals, and a call for members to collaborate and contribute.

The Interprofessional Collaboration Committee has been directed by the Board of Directors to solicit, develop, and review position statements for publication by the Academy of Forensic Nursing. The working goals of the IPC include:

1) Support the ongoing development and outreach of the Academy of Forensic Nursing.

2) Identify and discuss forensic practice issues, best-practice outcome data and potential for influence on policy change.

3) Facilitate the identification and development of evidence-based position statements that support forensic nursing practice.

4) Facilitate collaboration among interprofessional organizations and disciplines that recognize and support forensic nursing.

The IPC, which includes eight members of the Academy, has developed and updated several documents since 2019 that provide direction and support for members interested in developing position statements. These documents include a template for submission of AFN position statements, a process flow diagram, and the position statement review process. These references are all located on the AFN website and available for members to review and utilize.

Do you have an idea for position statement development or have a question about the process? Email IPC Chair Valerie Sievers.

The draft Position Statement: Non-Fatal Strangulation Implications for Forensic Nursing Practice is open for member review and comment through July 24.

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