We are engaged in the start up of a project aimed at Forensic telehealth that we are looking for members to join. The project has three phases. Two of which are concurrent and are aligned. The aim of the project is to advance forensic telehealth competencies through a rigorous training and skills development process. This approach is consistent with evidence-based practices.
We invite you to join us- NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!!!! Rather, , participate in the work being developed, be a part of a new program and we will all learn together.
We are working with an organization outside of AFN in an effort to be inter-professional and collaborative- the most efficient way to build a sustainable and reproduceable program.
Time commitment: 1-2 hours a month (One hour is dedicated to working group meeting time, the other hour is focused on working and developing the product/program). The duration of the committee work is expected to span through August of 2023.
Benefits: collaborating on a new program and building your resume!
Meeting new colleagues, learning together and having fun!
You can email me off line to learn more or to sign up.
First meeting will be scheduled in February based on consensus of all working group members.
Kathi Thimsen and Kelly Berishaj
To learn more or sign up- contact me here: Kthimsen@afnmail.org
We will be scheduling our first team meeting in three weeks... email me off line to be included in the meeting invitation.
We will review the purpose, objectives to be achieved, the work product and timelines for the project... if you have no experience in the project content- NO worries, come, learn with us and get that experience! Everyone is welcome.