What an interesting question. I have not, but a colleague in San Antonio had a perp rub his penis in cocaine before sexually assaulting her patient. With the patient symptoms of overdose and the vaginal vascularity, the provider felt the pt needed monitoring for several hours. Laurie
Kathy Bell
Oct 14, 2020
Replying to
Thanks Laurie, the reason I asked is that we recently had a patient and the history was that offender was rubbing her back of neck and she doesn't have much memory of what happened after that. Strangulation was a consideration that was pretty much ruled out by what she could remember.
What an interesting question. I have not, but a colleague in San Antonio had a perp rub his penis in cocaine before sexually assaulting her patient. With the patient symptoms of overdose and the vaginal vascularity, the provider felt the pt needed monitoring for several hours. Laurie
Hi Kathy
No, I have not had this experience.