I found an assessment tool from another hospital system that asks 4 questions about sex trafficking for US citizens & 6 questions for foreigners. If the patient answers yes to any of the questions then they initiate an alogrithm to assist the victim to safety - if they want assistance.
The questions asked, for US citizens:
exchanging sex for food, shelter, drugs, &/or money,
if they have been forced to have sex against their will,
have they been asked to have sex with multiple partners, &
do they have to meet a quota of money before they can go home.
For foreigners:
anyone holds their identity documents for them & why,
are they afraid to leave their job because of physical abuse or threats by employer,
have they been lied to about the work they would be doing,
threatened with deportation or jail if they try to leave,
any family members, or themselves, threatened, &
have they been asked to do something sexually against their will.
After the above assessment, there is another screening tool that asks 7 more, in depth, questions about
any broken bones, accidental injuries,
drugs or alcohol,
issues with police,
anyone prevented you from leaving a residence or job thru intimidation, threats, blackmail
has sig other asked to do forced sex &/or forced work with another person,
anyone ask or force you to work that made you feel uncomfortable, &
I found an assessment tool from another hospital system that asks 4 questions about sex trafficking for US citizens & 6 questions for foreigners. If the patient answers yes to any of the questions then they initiate an alogrithm to assist the victim to safety - if they want assistance.
The questions asked, for US citizens:
exchanging sex for food, shelter, drugs, &/or money,
if they have been forced to have sex against their will,
have they been asked to have sex with multiple partners, &
do they have to meet a quota of money before they can go home.
For foreigners:
anyone holds their identity documents for them & why,
are they afraid to leave their job because of physical abuse or threats by employer,
have they been lied to about the work they would be doing,
threatened with deportation or jail if they try to leave,
any family members, or themselves, threatened, &
have they been asked to do something sexually against their will.
After the above assessment, there is another screening tool that asks 7 more, in depth, questions about
any broken bones, accidental injuries,
drugs or alcohol,
issues with police,
anyone prevented you from leaving a residence or job thru intimidation, threats, blackmail
has sig other asked to do forced sex &/or forced work with another person,
anyone ask or force you to work that made you feel uncomfortable, &
trading sex for money, drugs, shelter, etc...