Connie Mc Gilloway

Connie Mc Gilloway is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (Forensic Examiner) in SATU, providing holistic forensic medico-legal care for people ≥14 years. She has an MSc (Healthcare Ethics & Law), PgDip (Advanced Practice) PgDip (Education), a Fellow of the Faculty of Nursing (RCSI), and an adjunct lecturer (University of Galway). She is the national clinical lead in the development of a centralized web-based national SATU database, Chairperson of the National SATU Documentation Group, a member of the National SART Guidelines Group, and the Education Advisory Group for Cervical Check. Her research interests are the impact of sexual violence on vulnerable persons. She has published research in the JARID and authors the "Consent and Capacity" section of the National SART Guidelines.