Erin Aschman

Erin Aschman is the associate manager of the Forensic Nurse Examiner program at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), a comprehensive program treating any individual affected by violence. Built in 2017, this program covers multiple campuses in the Denver metro area and sees over 200 patients per month. Aschman graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Colorado in 2019. Prior to becoming a registered nurse, Aschman had a multi-year career in the financial services industry, following her graduation from the University of Oklahoma in 2006 with her Bachelors of Business Administration in finance. Since beginning her career in nursing, Aschman has co-authored chapters on sexual assault, consent, and gender-based violence. She has presented on a wide variety of topics relating to trauma and violence to members and organizations within her community, and she regularly testifies as a blind expert across multiple local jurisdictions. She is a double board nurse and holds her SANE-A (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner – Adults and Adolescents) and GFN-C (General Forensic Nurse- Certified).