Academy Moves Ahead in Wake of Executive Orders
The Academy of Forensic Nursing is aware that the executive orders from the new administration have caused disruption and uncertainty in many sectors, particularly nonprofit organizations. We can assure you that AFN is a largely volunteer-driven organization that does not rely on federal funding for its operations. The Academy’s educational and member services will continue without interruption.
Since its founding in 2018, AFN has enjoyed substantial growth thanks to hard-working, dedicated volunteers. This group of experts in the forensic nursing field balance their professional lives with Academy business – including the development of educational programming, regional and national conferences, special interest groups, and coordination with strategic partners. The creation of these work products, and the technology platforms that deliver them, are made possible by our dues-paying members, our sponsors, and the learners who seek to advance their professional knowledge in forensic nursing.
If you have any questions about the Academy of Forensic Nursing, please reach out to us at afn@afnmail.org.